The Triad Process

The world’s most effective brand positioning process

Starting at $50,000

  • Proven: 200 brands positioned and launched
  • Broad based: Effective in 70 different product and service categories
  • Validated: 90% market success rate
  • Intense: Read more about what to expect in a *Triad and how they drive to  CenterBrain’s Three T’s of successful brand positioning.

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What to expect from the Triad Process

  • Triads are 3-person groups that last for one hour
  • We conduct 4 per day usually for 2-3 days
  • Each Triad builds on the last, they’re iterative
  • Since 1991, we’ve conducted over 5000 Triad sessions
  • That’s 15,000 consumer interviews!

7 points to consider as you participate in the Triad process

1. This is not research

Unlike focus groups, which are largely about information gathering, we have a well defined strategic and creative objective…to precision craft your brand positioning.

2. We don’t moderate, we navigate

We use the 15,000 interviews that came before your specific project to make creative leaps.  If we hear something we already know the answer to, we move past it.  If we think a respondent is not telling the truth or “getting lazy”, we challenge them.  We use a range of time-tested techniques to quickly get at the truth.

3. The process will push the envelope

In the first few Triad Sessions we always test strategic and creative boundaries. This can feel uncomfortable.  Rest assured, we’ll always navigate to a creative and pragmatic positioning you can launch that meets our Three T’s criteria for success.

4. Things move fast

Triads last one hour, so everything that is said usually is of value.   If possible, dedicate your time to the Triad, rather than email, text messages, etc.

5. Helpful skepticism is encouraged

Please ask questions, seek clarification, and contribute to the creative process.

6. We understand corporate politics

(we’ve lived them), but hope you can put them aside during the process.  Please contribute your expertise to the greater goal.   Remember, the consumer is the most important team member.

7. Count on a successful outcome

We’ve enjoyed a great many successes over the years.  We trust that is why you hired us.  We measure our success based on a positive financial outcome for your brand, product, or service. To date, we’ve been quite successful with over $4 billion in annual new business for our clients.

We look forward to adding your brand to our long list of CenterBrain success stories

What to know more? Contact us today.

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